Amendments to the Law on IT parks – published in the Official Monitor
Dear residents, We inform you that today, 12 January 2024, the Law amending Law 77 regarding information technology parks was published in the Official Gazette. The new provisions enter into force on 12 February 2024, with some exceptions mentioned below. The most impactful changes for MITP residents are: The Law was the result of an approval and re-approval process carried […]

Dear residents,
We inform you that today, 12 January 2024, the Law amending Law 77 regarding information technology parks was published in the Official Gazette. The new provisions enter into force on 12 February 2024, with some exceptions mentioned below.
The most impactful changes for MITP residents are:
- Extending the IT park’s term of operation from 10 to 20 years;
- Extending the state guarantee until 2035 inclusive;
- The establishment of a Council to coordinate the park’s activity as of 1 January 2025;
- Completing the eligible activities in the IT park with 2 new types of activity, intended exclusively for export.
The Law was the result of an approval and re-approval process carried out during 2022-2023, through which the Administration supported the changes related to the continuity and operation of the MITP in predictable terms – the extension of the term of the park and the state guarantee, under the unchanged conditions of the single tax and the MITP regime for the further development of the IT industry.
In order to implement the provisions, the Government will adjust within 6 months Decision no. 1144 of 20.12.2017 regarding the creation of the park for information technology “Moldova IT park”, as well as to establish the rules of activity of the Council of the park, approving a dedicated regulation during the year 2024.
For more details on these legal amendments, please access the latest Ta and Legal Pulse here.
With kind regards
MITP team
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